Saturday, May 14, 2011


We r at lagoon for savanna's clogging competition.  Her group scored a second place in both of their dances.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Picture from Peru

My Mom and Dad went to Peru last week on a service project for Charity Anywhere Foundation. Mom took a bunch of photos of the project and was showing them to me over the weekend. As we were browsing through pictures of Machu Picchu, one photo caught my eye and I had to get a copy of it. This is a shot of a Peruvian mother's baby carrier.

Friday, May 06, 2011

Car Carrier Kangaroo Sales Blooper

I've been working on a website for my sister Analee. This website will be a place where people can buy a product that she invented and makes. I decided to make a few videos to go along with her website. One of the video's was really cute so I thought I would post it here. In this clip, Analee is trying to make a sales pitch for her new Car Carrier Kangaroo but is interrupted.

Here is the link for my Facebook Friends.