Thursday, October 16, 2008

57 hits?

I was nonchalontly parusing my Google Analytics to see if anyone is visiting my sites when I came across some very interesting data. On Monday the 14th I had 57 hits to my blog. Now, to most of your this may not seem like much, but if you look at my hit counter you will see that I normally average around 11 to 20 hits per day.

Where did all of those hits come from you might ask? Very good questions. I did a little research and found that the hits came from 19 countries.

Hummm, I wonder what countries have hit might web site? Here is a map of the countries that have visited. 19 Countries?

Here is the best one that I could find that visited my blog.

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia!! What! Now who in their right mind would visit my blog from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia? eh?