Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Aaronic Priesthood/Scout Room

I was in a church meeting the other day and the speaker was talking about the different rooms in the church buildings. If you walk down the hall in a typical Mormon church, you would walk into a room with padded chairs, doilies on the table, artwork on the walls depicting women from the scriptures. You would know that you are in the Relief Society Room (the room that the women meet in for classes). If you continue down the hall you would find a room with small little chairs, pictures of Christ with children, children's music and you would quickly identify the room as the primary room (where all of the children under 12 meet for classes). Continue around the building and you would easily pick out the nursery room with toys and mats and treats. On around the building you would find a room with lace and themes on the wall about young women values and personal progress. Pictures would also adorn the room with thought provoking quotes and the Young Woman's theme. Again, it is easy to see that the young women of the church meet in this room (ages 12 - 18). However, I would challenge you to find the room where the Aaronic Priesthood meets (young men from 12 - 18). If you walked into our building, the rooms that the Aaronic Priesthood meet in are void of any pictures, statements, quotes, or themes. I never thought about it before this talk.

The speaker continued so say that young men are very susceptible to visual images. Why don't we try to fill their heads with positive visual images and quotes. Why don't we try harder to combat the visual images they see on TV, Movies, Magazines by promoting our own religious images and values.

As you might have guessed, I have started to do this in our ward building. I would ask you to keep this hush, hush. I have talked to someone in authority about making some of these changes but haven't heard back on how to procede. So, I just started to add things to room. I posted the article about return missionaries that play for Utah State. I posted an article about a local leader being called as a mission president. I also printed a copy of the "Purposes of the Aaronic Priesthood" and my wife (bless her heart) bought me a very nice frame to use. I'll be posting this framed document on the wall this Sunday. I was able to post some of these items quickly and easily because there is a cork board just off to the side of one of the chalk boards. I don't know if anyone is noticing but at least it is making me feel better and giving me a chance to be creative and (a little sneaky). This week, I am working on a small picture with the Scout Law on it. I wasn't sure what I was going to do but last night I decided to make a "Wordle" out of the law and see how it would turn out. This is what I was able to come up with. I think it is pretty awesome. I'll be posting it in the "Aaronic Priesthood" room this Sunday.

Stop by and take a look if you would like. Maybe you will get the bug to start adding spiritual, faith promoting pictures and quotes to the Aaronic Priesthood Room in your building.