The campout was last weekend to some caves nearby. As the days got closer I was having more and more leaders dropping out of the activity. Even my Venture Crew Advisor dropped out. I was a breath away from canceling the campout altogether but I knew I couldn't do it. The leader before me would cancel campouts all of the time and I didn't want to be like that. So, no matter what, we were going to have a campout even if we only had one Young Man.
As it turned out, our Varsity Team Leader stuck it out and came with me. We had 2 leaders and 5 young men on the Campout. It was bitter cold outside and a nice 55 degrees inside.
I really didn't get a chance to run the campout they way it should be done because of the lack of leaders but the YM had fun and got to know me a little better. I guess that counts for something.
I think it was also a test for me to see if I would break under pressure and I think the other leaders saw that I was going to have this campout with them or without them. They now see that these activities are important to me.