Monday, February 20, 2006


I have decided to start setting specific goal for our leaders. By doing this I hope to install a sense of urgency in their callings as leaders.

The first goal was to have each leader become a merit badge counselor for at least 3 required Merit Badges. That way we could cover 21 merit badges if all 7 of us are counselors. There are only 15 required so this should make it much easier to pass off the merit badges for the scouts in our Troop. When I asked how many of them were signed up as Merit Badge Counselors only 2 of us raised our hands. WOW!!!!! I explained that it was an easy process and it would do a lot to help our YM advance in Scouting. Each said they would get this done. I set the goal to have this completed by the end of March.

The second goal was to make sure each boy would receive 1 merit badge by our next Court of Honor. That is at the end of March as well. So, two goals that are both challenging but both possible. We will see how they do in trying to meet those goals. I think we will weed out those that are willing to put forth some effort and those that are along for the ride.

I wanted to make the third goal of having each boy pass a DTG requirement by the end of March as well but we ran out of time in our meeting. I will bring it up in our next meeting that we will be having, which will probably be sooner rather than later.